Last week, we covered the much-feared Google Panda Algorithm
and tried to shed a little light on it for any of you who may be concerned that
your website could be at risk.
As we explained, the Google Panda Algorithm has existed
since February 2011. When it was introduced it resulted in lots of
“low-quality” websites dropping right down from high Google page rankings; in
some cases, being excluded altogether.
Panda will be putting high quality, relevant content at the
top of their search results and banishing poor content.
Here are our Top 5 Tips for Good Website Content
to help make sure that it doesn’t happen to your website:
The article needs to be well-written i.e.
grammar, punctuation and spelling
Relevancy of the article i.e. if the content has
anything to do with the title
Content that makes sense to the reader
Advertising that detracts away from the article
Affiliate links that have little or nothing to
do with the article
Does your Website have good Content?
If you do not update your website, or do not have a blog or
news page, it is well worth considering introducing one now. If you do post
regularly, it is wise to take steps to make sure that quality is good and that
your website doesn’t become a casualty of the Google Panda Update.
Are you too Busy to Manage Your Website Content?
As a small business owner, you may find it difficult to take
the time to update your website or blogroom – this is often the case so if you
do, you are not alone!
ACE Computer Support offers a reliable and affordable
website content and social media solution to clients across the UK; if you
would like to find out more, call 01902 375 304 today.