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Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Underage gamers

Underage gamers

Underage gaming could be classed as neglect
This week, it was widely reported that head teachers in Cheshire were sending letters out to parents advising them that they would be reported to the authorities if they allow their children to play 18-rated computer games.

Allowing children to play 18 certificate games neglect

Games mentioned included Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty where violence and sexual images gave them the same sort of X-rated warning that adult films carry.

The letter was so stern that parents were warned that they could be reported for neglect in some cases.

Prison sentences for up to five years

The news comes in the same month that Prime Minister David Cameron announced adults in positions of responsibility could be sent to prison for up to five years if they did not report accusations of the abuse or neglect of children.

Mary Hennessy Jones, the head teacher of the school in question, said;

"We are trying to help parents to keep their children as safe as possible in this digital era.
"It is so easy for children to end up in the wrong place and parents find it helpful to have some very clear guidelines."

What do you think? Is over 18 gaming for youngsters just a ‘bit of fun’? Or have some of Britain’s parents become far too lackadaisical when it comes to protecting their children? Is it too little, too late?

We would love to hear your thoughts on Twitter or Facebook @ACEComputerSup or Facebook – we know what we think!

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